SHSC organisational structure
The South Hobart Sustainable Community was incorporated in 2009, and is managed by the "Facilitators" group. The Facilitators group has 4 office bearers (Public Officer, Financial Officer, Secretary, Public Officer and Communications Coordinator) and up to 4 other interested members.
Membership of our community is based on our email list, full of South Hobart enthusiasts. We conduct our AGM in Sept/Oct and call for nominations a month prior, through an email to our membership and via the SHSC Facebook page.
If you have an idea to share, or are interested in being involved in future events or contributing to the SHSC Facilitator group, please contact us via
The 2024/25 Facilitators Group
Public Officer:
Louise Gilfedder
Stuart Barry
Linda Giumelli
Communications Coordinator:
Ben Clark
Website admin:
James Murty
Non office-bearers:
Jess Kneebone
Lissa Villeneuve
Aaron Leeman-Smith
Becky Madge