Community Building
We work on many projects in South Hobart to build a sense of community, but there is much more we would like to do. If you would like to get a new project up off the ground, contact us.
Ideas for projects
Advertising campaign - Leaflet drops, advertising on telephone poles around South Hobart. Single sentence, website-oriented posters
Skillshare - University of everything style. Coordinate via website.
Research what other sustainability groups are doing - Copy their ideas & implement in South Hobart.
Composting revolution in South Hobart, encourage everyone to reduce the amount being sent to landfill
Carbon challenge - Signing up households to compete to reduce their carbon footprint.
Low carbon diet promotion
Sustainable shopping guide
Community Conversations - 5 most effective things you can do to reduce your carbon footprint
Nut trees - On nature strips to beautify & encourage community gardening
Sustainability Carnival
The Sustainable Living Festival targets green enterprise; this can be something more home- and community-based.
A DIY guide for simple solutions to have fun, reduce impact and save money.
Bike fixing workshop - bring in your bike
Never having to buy new batteries again -- rechargable batteries
Good resources for information -- websites like
How to use this website
House tours for showcasing implementing sustainable ideas
Bring in your bills to compare, swap tips for energy saving
Practical gardening (building people up to a community garden)
High-quality online resources Transition towns movement, TED
Community engagement projects - Transition towns, Post Carbon institute
Expressions of interest required:
Community living - something like Cascades cohousing or sustainable house development
Community car
Web training
Media-rich links such as slideshows & photos of the local area
How-tos, help on creating pages, logging in, creating accounts etc. Make own screenshots.
Bushwalking club - Google Group?
Sustainable shopping guide - All organic farm, Live Life, Post Office, Salad Bowl, Jim's Oasis, Butchery etc.
Slow food SoHo: link to Necessary Voices slow food mp3 (find again) to establish good lifestyle basis for sustainability & better social connections
Whole page on other community groups (Such as and what they are up to.
Research to see what projects other community groups are involved in -- copy good ones
Much better links page - keep it small and categorized.
Add - Carsharing programs and the like
Add - Peter Boyer's blog site
Mount Alexander Sustainability Group
Subgroups to develop quantifiable goals for each - "what gets measured gets done"
Post notice in SHPA newsletter for
On front page email list: send event notices to
Change Google analytics to a different Gmail account
Design logo & deploy throughout site
Configure MX records on NetRegistry to forward * to *
Research how to share "Events" calendar with everyone on rather than delegating permissions one-by-one - can't do; need to delegate permissions to power users one-by-one. Aargh!
Contact details, location-specific information: share through