AUSRIVAS - Biological Sampling
With the help of a number of keen Scientists, the biological survey from both Autumn and Spring was completed and the corresponding results sent to appropriate authorities. In particular, the South Hobart Sustainable Community Group would like to extend their thanks to Deb and Bruce Terry, Maria Clippingdale, John Gooderham, Leon Barmuta, Tom Krasnicki and David Horner whom spent countless hours collecting/identifying and processing data.
A fantastic short segment on the rivulet can be viewed on ABC's Gardening Australia website - A river runs through it June 2013.
Whilst the results did not paint the rivulet in a good light for biological health below the Cascade Brewery, it did indicate that the rivulet was highly susceptible to seasonal flow and pollution levels. High levels of nutrients were recorded in a number of locations as well as faecal coliforms (sewerage) resulting in increased algal growth and decreased macro invertebrates. Heavy metals contaminants were very low with only Chromium being detected around below the old Tannery site.
The attached maps are the record for site locations. Detailed chemical results and macroinvertebrate results are available from this website also.